Julkee x Lempee is a marketing agency that makes marketing easier – every day.

Working with Julkee x Lempee is like adding a coworker to your team. We become a part of your marketing expertise

Making everyday easier

Transform your weekly marketing grind with fresh ideas, actionable plans, and content that works. We deliver these consistently, making your marketing life smoother and more effective. Think of us as your friendly coworker who gets your message in front of the right audience.

Explore our services

Your experts

Julkee x Lempee is a team of marketing specialists who bring their unique skills together to tackle all your marketing needs. We're here to provide support, insights, and execution, so you can impress your clients and stand out.

Meet the experts

We get your customers

Do you focus on your customers? Great, so do we. We work hard to understand what makes your audience tick, ensuring your marketing hits the mark and boosts sales. After all, it's about connecting people, not machines.
No one ever clicks here


The little red dot? An irresistible trigger. Just an example of how we humans behave. Just showing off our expertise.